Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why exactly is CompUSA closing stores

So, I needed a firewire cable. No big deal. I figured during lunch Id just pop over to CompUSA and pick one up. Our store is one of the ones that is closing, I thought hell, maybe Ill get a good deal. So we go in, shelves are already somewhat barren, and have someone point us to the cables. So they carry two of them, a 3' Ft Shielded one and a 17' ft Shielded 6-to-6 pin cable. The 3' ft cable cost: $25!!! The 17' ft a mere 10$ more. Now, look at the prices on those links, these are almost identical cables, and I'd even venture that the ones from newegg are better! I picked one up against my better judgement and decided to look around as I am somewhat in the market for a HDTV;-) Anyhow, they have a beautiful 32" LCD on sale for ONLY $1200, WTF ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING? No wonder this company is closing stores! I hope each and every one of their stores closes and the management team is banished to hell to make 6" crossover cables for eternity. I never did like the store before and now I am happy to say that I would have to travel to Greensboro to visit a CompUSA, and I can assure you, thats NEVER going to happen. Long story longer, went down the street a bought a nice 6' ft cable for $7, thanks Intrex!

F CompUSA!

So, on to last nights drama;-)

Anyhow, I didnt get to play around until almost 10 last night, I found I was able to switch between tuners on the HD card just fine(but not automagically(at least not yet)). I could tune in all the channels I tuned via QAM, but all the other digital channel appeared to only give me a partial lock. At this point I wanted to start looking at my signal strength and found that it shows 0%. This is a known issue. Anyhow, the fix is to upgrade to the 2.6.20 kernel, which as I talked about earlier causes USB lockups. FARK!

However, I ditched my usb network card in favor of hacking my WAP11 into a wireless DLink client. And flashing my brand new Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 Wireless Router with Tomato firmware. This takes the USB out of the picture for now, at least until I can figure out why it is locking up on 2.6.20 and I can upgrade to the lastest kernel version. I hope to be able to hide out and do that sometime this evening!

Anyhow, that my story and Im sticking to it....updates later!


Ghostlobster said...

OK, so the race is on....who can get a wife friendly installation up and running first. You've got a few week head start on me as I don't even have my stuff yet! However, you have other time suckers on your hands over of them is probably toddling around the living room at this very moment! So, I'll cut you some slack.
First one to get the wife seal of approval gets a beer from the other one?

p0ssum said...

I think Im dead in the water already, but its a bet!

Ghostlobster said...

Nahhh, I could easily run into all kinds of issues...DOA hardware, delivery delays, floods, earthquakes, whatever!

Did you check out my blog?

Ghostlobster said...

Augh! Friggin New Egg has not even shipped my stuff yet!!! Oh, I've been billed, yeah, but nothing under shipping yet. The clock is ticking and I'm dead in the water!

Ghostlobster said...

Here's the Green Button thread on my upcoming rig...some good input from some of the regulars:

Ghostlobster said...