Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The weekend was a disaster!

But only as far as MythTV goes, I got alot of yardwork done though;-) and that was nice.

Anyhow, things are moving along a bit, but slowly. I found a feature in MythTV 0.21 that I decided I had to have. These are groups, specifically the recording groups. My problem was that when I was scheduling recordings I had to manually choose which tuner to use and I already missed a couple of recordings because, for instance, I chose to tape a game in HD this weekend, but MythTV chose to tape it on one of the analog tuners. So I have 1.4 Gigs of white noise;-) So anyhow I got to looking around and found that there is a new feature(groups) in 0.21 that gives you more ability to chose how and when to tape. So thats what I worked on this weekend, I got MythTV 0.21 built, the channels populated and recordings started. I still need to do some more reading on the groups to get them to work the way I want them to, but that is only a matter of time.

I am having trouble as far as the pchdtv card, but I think its HIGHLY likely its user error;-) I havent dug into it too deeply, but apparently the card offers both ATSC and NTSC signals, but I cannot see to get them both to work. ie Once the card hits HD I cannot seem to get it to switch back to the SD, and vice-versa. I guess I am actually going to have to read something, though I havent quite reached that point yet!

As far as the OS though, I think we are reaching the final status of the OS, ie all necessary packages installed.
I pulled in all my MAME and Sega ROMs into MythGame and played PacMan last night, it rocked;-) So right now, we are basically stablizing and tweaking the OS(~80-85% complete) and tackling the new version of MythTV(<0% ;-).

Im really looking forward to next week and I have the week off. This was taken at this time to give me time to work on my MythMachine. I have been working my buns off for brownie points over the last few weeks/weekends and I have been told, I can do whatever I want next week and the honey do list will be hidden!!! Yeah, so next week, expect some serious progress as well as a few more pictures and I ll start getting up some screen shots as well.


Ghostlobster said...

It's a journey, not a destination, remember that! You're always going to see something that you "gotta have" and end up tinkering with it.
I'm curious, why would you be using your HD card as an NTSC tuner when you have 2 perfectly good NTSC tuners in your 500? Why not just leave it as an HD card? Also, are you using ATSC or QAM? If you're receiving ATSC, how's your reception?

p0ssum said...

If I use the HD card as either digital or analog, I can record 2 analog and still watch a third. That and I was thinking I would be able to change through all the channels without swithing tuners(from analog to digital on the HD card), but that does not appear to be the case. Though Im still looking into it;-)

As for the NTSC/ATSC, I do no have an antenna, so the only broadcasts I am getting are via the cable box right now. Ive been looking at attenaes but with the tree coverage at my house. I am not hopeful that I will be able to get any kind of OTA signal.

And you are not kidding, this is a journey;-) I have taken to keeping a list of all the things I want to do cause I cannot possibly rememeber them all!

Ghostlobster said...

Oh yeah.,...and in between each of the additions to your box, you'll have to find time for rebuilds, etc, because it's so easy to foul things up. I had taken to ghosting images of my HD when I got it just right... then tinkering. Unfortunately, it became too much to manage after a while, as my ghost images grew to incredible sizes as I added apps.

Oh, and a quick aside...My Antec P180 and new PSU are on my doorstep right now. Next, I think I'll get the mobo and CPU. Gotta do this a bit at a time as it's easier to get her permission for a $200 purchase than it is for a $700 one! :)

Ghostlobster said...

sweeeeeet! Jen authorized the purchase! I'm getting back into the fold and just made my order with New Egg for my stuff!

Ghostlobster said...

I'm taking a different approach to the blog:

Ghostlobster said...

Oops...I meant http://ghostlobster.blogspot.com

Ghostlobster said...

Here's what I ordered:

I cant wait!

Ghostlobster said...

Here's what I ordered:

I cant wait!